CSA Resources
Courses and resources for new members and returning members.
Hello CSA Families!
In this course of the LVFarm Academy you'll find:
- CSA Beginners Guide
- CSA Harvest Calendar
- 2019 Member Handbook
- Weekly Newsletter Resources; updated each week during the CSA season.We are very excited to have these resources available for you in an easy to find place throughout the season.
We want to hear from you! What additional resources would you like to see included to help set yourself and fellow members up for CSA success?
Course Curriculum
~ CSA Member Handbook ~ Please READ for 2020 changes due to Covid-19
Available in
after you enroll
2020 CSA Week by Week!
Available in
after you enroll
2019 CSA Weekly Newsletter and Resources, Starting with first week of CSA!
Available in
after you enroll
StartNewsletter Resource Preview, Check this out!
PreviewWeek 1, May 13th, 2019
PreviewWeek 2, May 20th
PreviewWeek 3, May 27
PreviewWeek 4, June 3
PreviewWeek 5, June 10
PreviewWeek 6, June 17
PreviewWeek 7, June 24th
PreviewWeek 8, July 1 (3:33)
PreviewWeek 9.July 8
PreviewWeek 10, July 15
StartCSA Week 11
Startweek 12, july 28
StartWeek 13, August 5
StartWeek 14, August 12
StartAugust 19, Week 15
StartWeek 17, Sept 2
StartCSA week 19
StartWeek 20
Your Instructor
Hi! I'm Mandy Gerth farmer and co-owner at Lower Valley Farm in Kalispell, MT
Now that I run a farm that feeds over 500 families a week, it's hard to look over our fields and believe this was my humble garden ten years ago.
I absolutely love growing organic produce AND it's not enough for me just to grow food.
I want to give to other folks like me, people who want to change how they eat in a way that is sustainable not just for the planet but sustainable for the workload of the home cook.
Raising our children on fresh food has been one of the most profound blessings of my life.
I want to be able to go back to when the kids were tiny and teach myself everything I know now. I used to spend so much time checking out mountains of library books and searching online just to find a few recipes and techniques that would work for me. Learning how to cook and setting myself up for success in the kitchen has been a LONG process.
I want to share all the knowledge I've learned with you.
It's my goal for you to skip the steep and overwhelming learning curve I experienced when I made a commitment to changing how my family eats. I will help you transform your shopping, meal planning, food prep, and approach to cooking.
The LVFarm Academy is a collection of tools, resources, and guides for you to use to incorporate seasonal food into your daily life.
I am so happy you are here and very excited to share my resources with you to help set you up for seasonal eating success.
I didn't grow up eating food from the garden or cooking with simple seasonal foods. I started the journey of how I cook now about 20 years ago, when my cooking skills weren't much more than boiling water and making salad.
Now that I run a farm that feeds over 500 families a week, it's hard to look over our fields and believe this was my humble garden ten years ago.
What started as an interest in gardening has turned into my career as an organic farmer.
I absolutely love growing organic produce AND it's not enough for me just to grow food.
I want to give to other folks like me, people who want to change how they eat in a way that is sustainable not just for the planet but sustainable for the workload of the home cook.
Raising our children on fresh food has been one of the most profound blessings of my life.
I want to be able to go back to when the kids were tiny and teach myself everything I know now. I used to spend so much time checking out mountains of library books and searching online just to find a few recipes and techniques that would work for me. Learning how to cook and setting myself up for success in the kitchen has been a LONG process.
I want to share all the knowledge I've learned with you.
It's my goal for you to skip the steep and overwhelming learning curve I experienced when I made a commitment to changing how my family eats. I will help you transform your shopping, meal planning, food prep, and approach to cooking.
The LVFarm Academy is a collection of tools, resources, and guides for you to use to incorporate seasonal food into your daily life.
I am so happy you are here and very excited to share my resources with you to help set you up for seasonal eating success.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This course is always open :).
It is highly recommended for new CSA members to take the CSA For Beginners Course before CSA begins.
We would also like returning members to take a look through the 2019 members handbook before the season begins.
Every week of CSA your weekly newsletter will be in the "Newsletter" course with a link to all the resources in the academy that will be useful for that week's CSA share.
How long do I have access to the course?
Access to the course is always available.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We value your feedback! If you are unsatisfied with the resources, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.