Garlic, Recipes
The quality and care we take with our soil is directly reflected in our
trademark crazy awesome garlic.![]()
The Mystery Of Our Heirloom 'Glacier ' Garlic!
In 2009 I bought about 50 pounds of garlic from another grower at market;
she was selling decorative Indian Corn and garlic and I had bought some
garlic from her the weeks before and really liked the flavor/ease of peeling the
cloves. She said the variety is 'Glacier'. Not only have I never been able to find
that variety anywhere online I also never saw her at market again.
Fresh Garlic-store on your kitchen counter and use in the coming 2-3 weeks.
Cured Garlic-store in a cool dark pantry for up to 6 months.
Garlic makes everything better; homemade pesto, mayo, or salad
dressing….yum! Saute, stir-fry, roast...when it comes to garlic the
possibilities are endless
We have quite a few customers who, like us, really love hoarding this garlic. It
should store beautifully through Feb., if it starts to look like it won't hold you
can peel and blend it with avocado oil and store in the freezer in ice cube trays
for cooking until next year's fresh garlic is pulled.
Give it a quick blend in the blender or food processor with olive oil and freeze
it to use later.
Roast Whole Heads of Garlic Without Tin Foil Tori Avery
40 garlic clove chicken Alice Waters Speaks directly to my soul with her classic garlic-chicken recipes
Skillet Potatoes with Whole Garlic Cloves Taste of Home whole garlic cloves with potatoes is amazing!
Garlickiest Garlic Bread Food 52
Lemon Garlic Dressing Dishing Up The Dirt, this is a great go-to dressing/marinade